Lenten Ripples of Faith: Living into our Core Values is CtK’s Lenten theme for 2025. Focusing on one value each week, you have multiple options to explore more fully how these values guide the ministry of CtK as well as how they are lived out in your life beyond the walls of the church building. Here are some ways to interact throughout Lent:

  • Pick up a devotion booklet at the Welcome Desk or download from lifeatctk.org/lent to do each week

  • Take time to come to the narthex each week to pick up a stone and challenge yourself to let that stone and the core value it represents be a ripple in the world

  • Pray. Connect with God - specifically how the weekly value can shape you

  • Attend SALT after worship to hear impact stories of how our values are being lived out

  • In your committee or team meeting, begin with connecting to our Lenten theme and how the values shape the work of your team/committee

  • Worship each week, whether in-person, online, or on the local broadcast station on Tuesday evenings. 


During this first week in Lent, explore CtK’s value, “Side by Side in Service - Grounded in compassion, we accompany and partner with our neighbors both near and far, seeking justice for all God’s people.” This value embodies the belief that we are called to walk with others, sharing in their joys, struggles, and hopes. We believe that service is not about standing apart or giving from a distance; rather, it is about being present with those in need, offering support and solidarity in tangible ways.


Inspired by the words of Micah 6:8, “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God,” our congregation strives to live out these values in every aspect of life. Justice, mercy, and humility are the foundations of our service, guiding us as we engage with our community and beyond. Whether through local outreach or global partnerships, we are committed to walking side by side with all who seek to create a world where God's justice, love, and peace are a reality for all.


May our values ripple out into the world!

Pastor Sarah