We meet the third Tuesday of the month at 1:00 pm in Room M105. Consider joining! 
Questions? Contact Judy Benke  judybenke@comcast.net

Knit With Love

Prayer Shawl Ministry is a work of heart as well as hands. Our creations are made to bring comfort and tangible pieces of love to those who are experiencing life challenges. Members use their favorite art to create shawls, lapghans or blankets. Talents include knitting, crochet, quilting and weaving. Each product is created with the prayers of its maker, hence full of love and hope! Upon completion, our group blesses the finished creation before it is given. A special prayer tag is applied to each shawl or blanket.

Ages of baptism are changing and we are adapting! White shawls are given to infants; Prayer Buddies or small nap quilts are given to toddlers. Older children receive Prayer Pillows with a handmade wooden cross to prompt their prayer time.

Patterns are provided on request. We welcome all creative people and learners to join us! Attendance at monthly meetings is not necessary and some prefer to create at home. Consider joining this ministry outreach.