Contact Deb Wolterstorff, Director of Children and Family Ministries, with any questions and to get involved.
We love to do our part in fostering faith in children. Because of this, there are a number of opportunities and experiences kids can participate in at CtK. You can read more about some of those offerings below and be sure to check out the calendar for a list of upcoming events.
Click the button below to read our weekly newsletters for kids and youth. Contact Deb Wolterstorff, our director of children and family ministry, for more information about any of our kids' and family opportunities.
(September - May) Join us every Sunday during worship for a time of learning and fun geared towards kids! We will learn about the Bible through stories, songs and more. Children will hear the same story everyone will be hearing in worship, following the scripture lessons as appointed in the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL).
During BAM!, kids will leave the sanctuary with Deb following the children’s message. Everyone will come back into worship to rejoin their families during the Setting of the Table, when the offering collection is brought up for a blessing.
(September - May) Come to CtK on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 pm for dinner followed by intergenerational fellowship and fun at 6:30 pm.
Join other families at CtK for a time of service, fun, fellowship, learning, projects and more. We welcome all families of any shape and size!
If you or someone you know has a passion/gift you would like to teach/share with our young families, please let Deb know.
Children entering grades 1-5 (If your child is younger than first grade, and you think they are ready to be in choir, let Megan know) will play a game or two, sing songs, and learn how to play instruments.
We will practice every Sunday right after worship and we will meet for 40 Minutes. (Kids may then play supervised games in the gym until 11:45 to allow parents to attend SALT.) Weekly attendance is welcome but not required. Come when you can! We will sing in worship once a month.
Following worship kids can meet Megan Crosby, our cantor, by the organ/piano in the Sanctuary after the postlude. Parents can attend SALT or enjoy fellowship in Fireside. You don’t need to come to choir with your child. Questions? email Megan
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is our free faith based camp for children and families during the summer. VBS provides a safe space for fun, laughter, and learning about God.
More info about VBS will be posted when available.
Contact Deb Wolterstorff, Director of Children and Family Ministries, with any questions and to get involved.