We have a number of opportunities to engage with our Social Ministry at CtK. You can contact the office to participate with these efforts or any other upcoming opportunities.

Community Food Drives

Organize two annual food drives benefiting local food shelf.


Community Support Center

Work with other faith communities, nonprofits, businesses, and the school district to prevent homelessness in our community by providing mentoring and emergency assistance.


Habitat for Humanity

Provide a work crew for one week for a Habitat House in Minneapolis. Get involved as: a volunteer leader or crew member. Currently seeking new leadership for this program.


Liberian Partners

Support congregation and school in Monrovia, Liberia with school supplies, food, and building improvements.


Operation Joy

Supporting Ralph Reeder's toy and gift collection for their Operation Joy Christmas "store" for families in need.


Refugee and Immigrant Support

Provide resettlement support and resource to refugee families arriving from countries with civil unrest.


School Tools

A collection of school supplies and funds for our closest two public schools:  Bel Air Elementary and Highview Middle School.


Winter Coat Drive

Collect winter clothing September-October for those in need in our community. Clothing distributed on the third Saturday in October.


Good Samaritan Fund

This fund is in need of volunteer leadership. It is currently inactive, but we would love to reengage. Oversee donations for those in need and assess grant requests. Get involved as: a committee member or donor.